Part 2: What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the role of identifying emotions
Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well. May I kindly ask a question?
Q: “Will the parents be able to agree that their child is an autistic child? Don’t they blindly love their child? So will they accept it?”
No, they don’t accept this. They said this is the normal behavior of their child. And they neglect it until the child shows ‘Red Flag’ signs.
So, How to identify if the child is a Neurotypical child or an autistic child, using speech-emotion analysis?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a brain-based development condition that affects children’s development in two main areas. Minimizing social interaction and social communication is the first area and abnormal behaviors restricted behaviors and interests are the second affected areas. Even though ASD is a very common term, most people tend to neglect it, as it does not show the symptoms until it becomes worse and undoubtedly expresses the effects of it.
However, language & speech are inherently related to other forms of autism. While the child may be a long way from speaking, it could see red flags early on. In the first three months expect the baby to smile and make eye contact. However, the child who has little to no interaction with environmental changes is the earliest evidence of identifying autism. The child should deliberately interact with others during 3 to 12 months to familiar with the language and words (such as ‘mom’ or ‘dad’) and babble the first few words. On the other hand, it could be the symptoms of having autism( Developmental Language Disorder).
Developmental language disorder is one that has no physical cause and will be present from birth. If the child is not sinking with society, they do not know how to interact with others, how to appreciate things, how to connect with people, etc. Then the child will be isolated from society. As long as the child remains untreated the above-mentioned problem will occur. The longer the condition of a child remains untreated, the harder these valuable lessons will be for them to learn. This project indicates that children with Language Impairment (LI), because of their language deficiencies, may experience social deficits beyond those expected.
The challenge is to diagnose autism with what symptoms of the outside. Most of the time children who suffer from autism can have normal behavior.
But an autistic children do not speak clearly, and we cannot force them to talk. According to that, I have to recognize speech patterns with a wide range. Children with autism suffer from language deficiencies and speech delays.
Now let’s try to understand…
The role of identifying emotion in speech impairments.
Emotions form a part of human nature. From the moment child is born, they begin to learn the emotional skills that they need to recognize, communicate, and control their emotions. Infants and young children use facial expressions or actions and voices to respond to their emotions. They learn how to do this through their social experiences and relationships in their lives with important people like friends, grandparents, and careers. They feel and express emotions, but an autistic child doesn’t have the ability to identify the emotion or explain why they experience it like that. Emotions provide information about their experiencing with the environment.
When children grow up, they have the ability to grasp emotions. Rather than just behaving as little children do, they should recognize what they feel and bring it into words. They get better with time and practice in understanding what they mean, and why. This is called as the ability of emotional awareness. Emotional understanding allows us to consider what children need and want (or not want to!). It helps us to build relationships better. Autism children cannot grasp the feelings they are experiencing.
These are the importance of emotion regulation in the domain of ASD.
By the way, speech pathologists are able to understand the emotions of those children from their knowledge and experience. This is because being mindful of their emotions will allow pathologists to talk more openly about their thoughts, and prevent or resolve conflicts. Age of 6 months to 6 years children will have broad emotions, But the Autistic child or their families could be difficult to handle their emotions. Basically, from this project, speech pathologists will help to identify autistic children's emotions and can address the emotional difference between neurotypical children and autistic children.
The Emotion identifies the intelligence system which helps speech pathologists to verify their second opinion to make a decision. And it will help pathologists to determine the root causes of the child’s emotions and behavior. On the other hand, a child with negative emotions every time, may with stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
This is a tool for determining the deal with challenging emotions.
Some emotions feel positive — such as feeling happy, caring, supportive, motivated, joyful, interested, thankful, or included. Other emotions that with more negative — such as feeling resentful, angry, scared, embarrassed, worried, sad, or guilty. Both emotions express themselves and the situation. Learning to recognize and convey emotions in a constructive way helps autistic children to develop the skills they need to effectively handle them. Children who are able to understand, appreciate, communicate, and control a wide variety of emotions reap long-term mental health and well-being benefits. Emotions are the usually adaptive states of mental and physiological feelings that can attract attention and direct the actions of children and avoid the situation of an autistic child. When children’s emotions are minimized or dismissed, they frequently express themselves in unhealthy ways. Controlling and avoiding this disorder from this system is a great way for speech pathologists or parents to improve their ability to properly perceive and appreciate their own emotions.
Identifying the emotions of autistic children may find it easier to understand how they feel, and how they interact better. From the tool, speech pathologists can build children’s lives and put tension into balance. Emotions can motivate children to take action, emotions will help children to survive, thrive, and avoid danger and emotions, from the system provides the best option for a speech pathologist or parents to treat language impairment.
From this system, speech pathologists or parents will be able to know what an autistic child is trying to tell.
For example, if a child spends time with a group of people who make them feel insecure about themselves, nervous, and under pressure — it’s crucial that they understand that and know that their emotions tell them this isn’t the best situation for them to be in. A child without this knowledge may not even know that their chosen groups of friendships have a negative effect on their well-being. Having many negative feelings can also make kids feel like they don’t want to participate in hobbies or activities. It’s important for us to help understand kids when they feel upset so they can figure out why and try and find a way and make them feel better.
When children mature, with ASD problems it will be a painful experience for the specific children through emotional misunderstandings. This method is a way for autistic children to establish safe ways of managing their lives.
These are our achievements in this project:
I think now you have a good understanding of what we are trying to do. Okay, enough talk and let’s go to the System Overview and Dataset preparation in the next article.
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